I’m getting closer to being caught up!  My goal is to get everything done today so I can do a birthday post tomorrow!

Well, it turns out I didn’t take many pictures of Colton in September either.  We went to the tractor pulls in New Braunfels, 9/27/08.  There was also a petting zoo there along with a lot of other fun stuff.  So we will have to go back there next year!  Colton found a cow – pronounced “mow” by him.  It’s like he is trying to say moo and cow together, but he can’t pronounce c’s yet, so that is how he says it.  Anyway, he really loved being able to pet this baby calf and in general was just super excited to see it!


Well, August must have flown by because I managed not to get any pictures (not that I could find anyway!) except for at the end of the month when we went to the beach.  We actually didn’t get any photos of Colton at the beach.  We only went twice even though it was a short walk away.  The first time Colton and I were by ourselves (with some of our friends) and he was running around everywhere.  He really enjoyed the water and the seagulls, but it was hard keeping up with him and before I knew it, we left to get some lunch and get him a nap and didn’t even pull the camera out!  Then we went a second time with Doyle and I was prepared this time to get some pictures, or so I thought I was.  I didn’t know I need to acclimate the lens for so long.  I took them out and they just would not un-fog!  We all played in the water and before you know it we all managed to get tar on our feet!  So even though Colton had a fun time at his first beach outing, I managed to not get a single picture!  I’ll make it up to him next time we go though.  And now for the pictures we did get from that trip.  We went to the aquarium and watched the dolphin show and were very interested in looking at all the different fish.  We will definitely come back there!


We didn’t take too many pictures these months either, so I decided to combine them.  I do take more pictures than I share, but most of them are of him not looking at the camera or nothing interesting going on in the pictures.  So I just pick my favorites.  Anyway, in June we took an impromptu family photo and had some fun eating watermelon and practicing driving the lawnmower.   In July we went to the sprinkler park in Austin and had a lot of fun there.




Opps!  I forgot all about this picture.  It wasn’t filed away right and I just found it.  Grandma, my Dad’s Mom came to visit and we got this picture!











Colton had to have a bite of Mom’s (my) sandwich.  It’s a little big for him but he handled it well.

I just finished sending out our Christmas cards and I figured I better get the blog caught up now that people will be more likely to check it out.

So I’ve gotten way behind again and I’m really trying to catch up.  I’ve even found a faster way to share multiple photos, so I think this might actually get me caught up now!  May didn’t get many photos taken, but I did take one of Colton for some Mother’s Day presents to all his Grandmas and Great-randmas and I made one for me too.  I still need to take a picture of the actual gift I made, but for now, here is a version of the photo I used.


And now for the photo storyboard I put together with the help of a free action I tried out at MCP actions .  I think I’m going to buy a whole set so I can have more versitility with this fun action!


Wow!  I can’t believe it’s August already!  I promise I’m working on getting up to date.  April was a fun month, enjoy the pictures!


Colton loves playing with keys and he really wants to get into that cabinet!


I haven’t taken a photo of him sleeping in a long time.  For some reason I wanted to check on him while he was taking his nap and I just couldn’t help but take a photo of him with his duck!


Bluebonnets!  We went out to a beautiful field of bluebonnets out in Round Rock.  Colton’s Grandma (Doris) came along to help and even took a picture of us!


Breakfast!  Colton had a lot of fun eating breakfast.  It’s fun watching him try to get every last bit of it!


Colton had a chocolate pudding snack.  I think he enjoyed it!

March was a nice month, Doyle’s birthday, Easter and a friend of ours actually had an Easter baby!

This photo was taken as Dad’s (Doyle’s) Birthday gift!

So I’m still determined to catch up and I’m up to the February pictures now.  He had some good times and even a first!  I hope you enjoy the pictures!

So on 2/1 he ate a rib.  He really seemed to enjoy eating it with his hands.  He has become quite the independent eater!

So I haven’t shown many photos of him walking yet, even though he has been walking since he was 11 months old.  So he was outside on 2/15 and I decided to take a couple pictures.  Here is his front…

….and his back! (which is what most of the photos looked like since he was running away from me!)

On 2/23 we went to the John Deere (construction) dealership and while Doyle was trying out a machine he was interested in buying we found a backhoe with a bucket that Colton fit in.  So I decided to put him in there and try and take some pictures, he didn’t want to cooperate with my idea, but I still wanted to show one off.

On 2/24 he decided to get on his tractor and pose for me.  I made this photo more of a vintage look.  Like this picture is 50 years old already!

And now for the highlight of this month, his first haircut on 2/27!  These are the before photos:

The haircut:

And the after:

So I’m determined to catch up, yet again and I’m just going to start with the oldest photos I haven’t shared yet, back in January.  Hopefully if I do a little at a time I will catch up in no time! 




1/10/08 – eating black olives

1/20/08 – playing blocks with Grandad (Kristen’s Dad)

1/30/08 – eating ketchup from a packet (YUM!)

So Christmas was great!  We got to see my brother and sister-in-law and nephew.  We had Christmas at three different places & times, so it was quite an event!  I think as Colton’s 1st real Christmas, that he was actually able to participate in, was really nice and I’m sure he will enjoy the next one even more!dsc_0172w.jpgdsc_0179w.jpg dsc_0180w.jpg dsc_0688.jpg    dsc_0199a.jpg 
Gotta love the wrapping paper! 
 A cute shirt he got from his birthday.
Christmas morning – he just opened a few presents from us.
Colton and his first cousin, Noah
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Well, I think he had a lot of fun with opening all these new toys he got and he sure has liked playing with them all.  So here are the highlights:   dsc_0714w.jpg dsc_0716w.jpg dsc_0719w.jpg  dsc_0722w2.jpgdsc_0724w.jpg dsc_0725w.jpg dsc_0726w.jpg dsc_0730w.jpg dsc_0734w.jpg dsc_0737w.jpg  dsc_0757w2.jpgdsc_0763w.jpgdsc_0772w.jpg dsc_0777w.jpg dsc_0787.jpg   dsc_0808w.jpg Thank you to my cousin, Miles, who took these photos with my camera, then I just did a little editing on some of them 🙂 

May 2024


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